Hotel ibis Antananarivo Ankorondrano i Tanarive

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Route des hydrocarbures, Ankorondrano, Tanarive 101, Madagascar
Kontakter telefon: +261 32 23 555 55
Latitude: -18.879149, Longitude: 47.521901
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Kommentar 5

  • Aswin Widjaja

    Aswin Widjaja


    Room is clean and spacious. Food is good.

  • Neville Fletcher

    Neville Fletcher


    This was my 5th visit to the hotel in the same number of years. A value proposition. Unfortunately had been given a noisy room for the first night after asking for a quiet room 😞. Moved to 4th floor where it was quieter but the A/C was blowing cool air and not cold😔 after calling reception twice and advising them in person, was never sorted out over the next 2 nights. Plenty of mosquitos in the dining area, this has been noted on the last few visits 😣 Otherwise staff are friendly and polite.

  • Kaumin Malde

    Kaumin Malde


    This was my fourth stay at this hotel. It is perfect for the business traveller. Very quiet and very centrally located.

  • Nipun Gupta

    Nipun Gupta


    It is a great business hotel with all facilities as expected. I have given 4 star since they can definitely improve the airport pickup experience

  • drvinod amravat

    drvinod amravat


    Hotel is good but according to their quality and services charging more.Here Indian visitors also comes for business and tourism in that case they have to keep basic INDIANS needs ASIAN VEGETARIAN FOOD. They have to make some good arrangement for specially Indian people.

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