L'express bleu i Antananarivo

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Antananarivo, Madagascar
Kontakter telefon: +261 34 49 949 99
Latitude: -18.8701079, Longitude: 47.5181007
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Kommentar 5

  • Aina Rakotonjanahary

    Aina Rakotonjanahary


    Good place for those who love chocolate

  • Yoko in Mada

    Yoko in Mada


    It was the WORST. Waiters/waitresses asked me to pay for a cake i didn’t even order, and when I told them that I didn’t order, one of them said to me, “there are Chinese who don’t understand malagasy but there is no Chinese who steal food.” That was so rude to say that! ( I’m a Japanese volunteer working in Madagascar). They even threatened me by saying that they will call the police if I refuse to pay. I wanted to talk to a person who is responsible for the cafe but they said he doesn’t come today. Also there was a camera so I asked to check it but they said they can’t do that here but they can only see it in another cafe which is bigger than here. But weirdly, after 30 minutes, they could check the video in the cafe, and it proved that I didn’t order/eat the cake. It took two hours to prove that i’m innocent and it was terrible to be accused of something I didn’t do! They didn’t even apologise for their rudeness. That was the worst experience since I came here. I’ll never go to this place.

  • fabrice debourdon

    fabrice debourdon


    Pour le prix, c'est une grande deception.

  • Linda B. Gray

    Linda B. Gray


    fWonderful Patisserie and Boulangerie! Mouth watering. Incredible Hot Chocalate with Spices. WiFi.

  • Herr Herrn

    Herr Herrn


    Brot, Croissants, Kuchen, Schokolade ...Kaffee

Nærmeste Cafe:

La Patisserie Colbert

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